Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Weekly Challenge #116 Blind Sighted
Thank you for your visit :) I will definitely view other entries this week :)
Thank you all so kindly for commenting on Challenge # 115.
Weekly Challenge #116a Blind Sighted
Started this one on my lunch break - blue gel pen. Wasn't too impressed, however I think the yellow rays add some interest.
Thanks for looking :)
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Thanks for looking :)
Enjoy your weekend and whatever you do stay safe.
this one's been digitally enhanced - I love those colours :)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Weekly Challenge #115: "Amanda Day - or Earth Day"
Thursday, April 25, 2013
ANZAC Day 25 April - 'Lest We Forget'
They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We shall remember them,
Lest We Forget
A ZIA I did back on remembrance day November 2012 revisited for ANZAC Day
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Weekly Challenge #115 Earth Day
I had a couple of ideas and settled for this one. I used the sphere template by Margaret Bremner (enthusiasticartist.blogspot.ca/2013/04/others-spheres.html) as all I could think of was the world globe. I wasn't sure what tangle to use for the background as I didn't want to lose the piece in the background, so did a simple aura.
To see what others' have done go here iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com.au/
Thank you for looking - comments are most welcome :)
Monday, April 22, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Weekly Challenge #114 You with the Stars in your Eyes - Stars v 2.0

Weekly Challenge #114 You with the Stars in your Eyes - Stars v 2.0, a photo by Poppie_60 on Flickr.
Somehow when the Diva called for 'stars' I thought of 2 - 'starstruck lovers'
This one was tangled and then digitally enhanced with beams and 'space'
Thanks for looking - comments most welcome :)
Weekly Challenge #114 'you with the stars in your eyes'
negative view digitally enhanced prior to adding background tangles
Weekly Challenge #114 original - You with the stars in your eyes
Somehow when the Diva called for 'stars' I thought of 2 - 'starstruck lovers'
This is my original finished piece with just some coloured edging and frame.
My other pieces have been digitally enhanced with beams and 'space'
Thanks for looking - comments most welcome :)
Friday, April 19, 2013
Adventures in Monotangles #7 - Onomato
Adventures in Monotangles #7 - Onomato
mindful-creations.blogspot.com.au/ with Roy - thanks for coming up with these weekly challenges - it surely makes me think how to make an interesting piece using only 1 tangle :)
This weeks Monotangle challenge is to use 'Onomato'. I thought Monotangles would be easy lol, no way Jose! I find them challenging as you are more confined, as you are only to use the ONE tangle. So, in order to add some further interest I digitally enhanced this one. I don't think it's cheating, is it? it is hand drawn with some colour and special effects added - anyhow I got caught up with trying various looks. I really like it and hope you do too :)
thanks for looking :)
comments are most welcome
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
A flower tree
I like how when you start you have nothing in mind, then it becomes something :)
thanks for looking
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Zendala Dare #53c
and of course a version of the template with some added colour - thanks for looking :)
Zendala Dare #53b
I just had to do one with just simple line work :)
thank you for looking :)
Zendala Dare #53a
Congratulations Erin on a year filled with fabulous Zendalas. Happy 1st Birthday! and thank you for organising these wonderful designs! Many happy returns :)
I quite like this template - I couldn't get away from making it look floral - not many tangles used here and I actually find it a challenge to use any tangles in the Zendala Dares - thank uou for looking :)
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Adventures in Monotangle #6 Auraknot
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Weekly Challenge #113
Weekly Challenge #113: String Theory v. XXIV "Hip to be Square"
Found a tile coloured with stamping ink - so I decided to do this week's challenge on it.
Thanks for looking :)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Weekly Challenge #112 UMT v. XV Tuxedo
It's been a hectic week and didn't have time to post these earlier.
I loved Tuxedo - I see so many possibilities of variations and fillers. Thank you Laura from iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com.au/ and to LeeAnn (Ledenzer) for coming up with this cool pattern
I love LeeAnn's work - such brilliance! I'm in awe of her work :)
thanks for your visit :))
Weekly Challenge #112 UMT v. XV Tuxedo B
It's been a hectic week and didn't have time to post these earlier.
I loved Tuxedo - I see so many possibilities of variations and fillers. Thank you Laura from iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com.au/ and to LeeAnn (Ledenzer) for coming up with this cool pattern
I love LeeAnn's work - such brilliance! I'm in awe of her work :)
thanks for your visit :))
Weekly Challenge #112 UMT v. XV Tuxedo A
It's been a hectic week and didn't have time to post these earlier.
I loved Tuxedo - I see so many possibilities of variations and fillers. Thank you Laura from iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com.au/ and to LeeAnn (Ledenzer) for coming up with this cool pattern
I love LeeAnn's work - such brilliance! I'm in awe of her work :)
thanks for your visit :))
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Monotangle #4
Adventures in Monotangles with Roy over at mindful-creations.blogspot.com.au/p/monotangle-adventures...
This week was to use the pattern 'Indy-Rella'.
Well, I actually thought I was too late to post this one - it's just about the end of Thursday - I can see the link is still open :) cool!
hmmm.... not too keen on this pattern. I wanted to do something besides a flower with this tangle - it turned out to be a bit of a mosh posh - here it is.
To add some interest I added some texture via photo editor.
thanks for looking :)