
Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Patterns - Build-a-Flower Series; Layla, Sophia's Star

Hello Everyone! It's been such a long time between posts. So much has happened - 2 new grandbabies, Weddings and a move to a new country which has consumed a lot of my time with renovations and settling in.
I hadn't even drawn all that much so I joined the Inktober Project which challenged me to draw every day. I have posted on my Instagram and Facebook if you want to check them out.
If you follow me you would know that I love drawing Mandalas and these flower patterns are based on this concept ie starting with a shape in the centre and 'building' your design around it by adding lines, circles and other shapes here and there.
Whilst I had this in mind I quickly drew some step outs.
I would love for you to try them out for yourselves - it's very therapeutic.
So my 2 loves, creating Mandalas and designing patterns 😃
Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Lila, having moved countries several times in my life, I can quite understand how it has consumed you! Where did you go? For some reason I always thought you were in Australia, but your profile says you are, perhaps you moved there or may be you haven’t changed your profile! Anyway, where ever you have landed, I hope you are settling in.
    I love your stars/flowers. As with all of your patterns they are crisp and clean, and give ample opportunity for embellishment😄
    Best wishes and good luck! Look forward to hearing more from you before long.


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