
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Weekly Challenge #221: "Beads of Courage"

Beads of Courage is an Arts in Medicine that supports kids with chronic or life threatening illnesses and their families.

Some of the things you can collect beads for are:
  Needle pokes, overnight stays in hospital, isolation, mobility 

challenges like bed rest or casting, hair changes, tube insertions or 

removals, therapies, doctors appointments, surgeries, xrays, 

ultrasounds, infusions, radiation, oxygen/respiratory support, 


So this week's challenge is to use 'beads' in our tangles.

I wasn't sure if I would participate in this challenge, however, on Facebook I saw a post about using the pattern 'Narwal' in different ways and that is when I thought, hey I could make the beads in the shape of 'Narwal' and so here is my entry.

I hope you all have a lovely week - stay safe and smile :)


  1. I really love this tile! Beautiful!

  2. C'est un très beau collier qu'on croirait fait de coquillage !
    It is the very beautiful necklace which seems made by shell!

  3. I would like to have this beautiful necklace :-) Very well done.

  4. Oh I love how you have placed the beads into a box. It is beautiful

  5. It looks like a necklace of shells.. so beautifully done!!

  6. It looks like a necklace of shells.. so beautifully done!!

  7. cool! narwhal looks like a souvenir from Hawaii, nestled in a box. Lovely work

  8. Oh, your Narwal shell beads are just gorgeous! They are a lovely contrast to the interspersed round beads. Where can I buy that necklace??? I love it!

  9. Wonderful use of the Narwal Pattern. You made them into beautiful beads. Beautiful Tile.

  10. Hi Lila! You did a great job on your beads. Just to let you know---you are featured as the Artist Focus in this week's "That's New to Me!" challenge! You can find the challenge at


Thank you for your visit :)