
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekly Challenge #180: "UMT - MacDee by Anneke Van Dam"

I'm going to make this nice and short.  It's been a very hectic week and I didn't think I would get around to participating in this week's 'Use my Tangle' challenge with the Diva - but I managed to do a quick one on a Renaissance tile using black, grey and pink pens, shading with 5B pencil and a bit of pink and 'raw sienna' coloured pencils.


  1. Your designs have so much life. Always great to see your challenges. Thanks, Lila.

  2. What a lovely tile! I love the simplicity of it and your choice of colors.

  3. The greys and pink are lovely and I especially like the folds.

  4. Great tile. You do in a hurry what I can't do with a lot of sitting and thinking. You have a very creative mind.

  5. this is just plain awesome, lila! i love the folds of the plaid - you did a beautiful job with it!

  6. Remains me of one of my childhoods skirts. Lovely tile! :)


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