
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weekly Challenge #171: "Beads of Courage"

This is what beadsofcourage is all about and this week Laura has challenged us to participate by drawing something with reference to beads of courage.  Her darling little boy is her inspiration - when you look at all the beads he has collected, it makes you think what a brave little boy he is - so many visits to doctors, hospital and many tests undertaken.

You are such a strong woman Laura - I wish you all well especially your little Artoo, what a trooper!  

Here is my entry - a simple string of beads.  I may do another if time permits.

This is also my Day 12 entry with Kelly from  

Thanks for dropping by, please say hi :)

Have a lovely week.


  1. Beautiful in its simplicity. I feel like I could pick it up off the page!

  2. Really nice work, Lila. It almost looks real!

  3. Just beautiful!!! I would love to have a set of beads like that! :0) Share Humanity

  4. Beautifully drawn, Lila. The touch of a Master is evident throughout this piece. Your beads are so real, the bead string is perfectly laid out, and your understated shadow is perfection. I love this ZIA. It definately rates as, "Totally Wicked."

  5. Lovely words and absolutely gorgeous beads...just perfect. Axxx


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