
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Weekly Challenge #97: String Theory v. XX -"No Strings Attached"

Thanks Laura for another fun challenge.

Heart Strings

The challenge is to do something without using strings.  Right up my alley as more often than not, I don't.  I like the freedom of doing whatever I think of without being confined to working with a string, but most of all I love the element of surprise.  There are times when I wished I hadn't used a particular pattern or I didn't follow the instructions properly and the tangle turned out different to how it was meant, but somehow or other it all comes together :)

So, it got me thinking.... or maybe it didn't as the first thing that came to mind was some text.... not really a Zentangle thing to do (but I usually go with the first thing I think of and take it from there).  Little thoughts come to my mind - I say to myself, no, that won't work, how silly! and then I think, so what if it's not perfect - it is what it is and, once I commit, then that's it.  I just go with the flow.   A lot of you would have seen some of my works - I post them all! The reason is, whatever I have submitted is just another unconscious work - I don't sit there and analyse my work but I do wonder - what was this all about? lol 

I love it as they are all part of the experience.

Occasionally, I just use dots on the page and go for it.  Other times I start from the middle, or the side - I do turn my work around, seeing it from a different angle and many times the end result is upside down to how I started.

The most intriguing thing for me is my Zentangle 'life' is opposite of my real self.  Outside of tangling I am a thinker, an analyser, a procrastinator, always being very careful and deliberate with my words - yet when I tangle I don't do any of that except for example when I'm making a card for someone I think of what I'm going to do before I start.  There you have it, a little bit about me :)

So, for this week's Diva Challenge, I thought I would take you on a stage tour of my Zentangle Inspired Art - I called it 'Heart Strings'

Are you ready?  here goes......... enjoy the ride! :))

Stage 1:

Please excuse my grammar....  it says 'I often don't use  strings - in saying that - this is a string :)

Stage 2:

I used the tangle 'Retro' by Belatrix29/Elena Hadzijaneva, above the text and then I drew a grid for the 'Rose' pattern by Sandy Bartholemew.  At this stage my thought was, I've really made it difficult for myself now! lol ... but... I go on.....

Stage 3:

Added some curves to the outside of Rose. and then some straight lines with tiny hearts on the ends.  Yoi, yoi, yoi!  it's not going to be a flowy ZIA!  :)

Stage 4:

Some 'Zen Buds' by Danni O'Brien (I love doing these!) and a few lines across the way. 

Stage 5:

I have to keep it simple now, otherwise I would lose the effect - I added 'Tipple' - one of my all time faves!

Close up 1:

Stage 6:

Time for some colour - I used Prismacolour Premier pencils.  Almost finished now :)

If I haven't lost you by now - I thank you :)

More Close ups:

And finally, here is my finished ZIA
I hope you enjoyed the ride :)
Thank you for taking time to read this very long blog.
Wishing you all a lovely week - SMILES :)


  1. I love love your beautiful art. And love to know about each step. Thanks for share.

    1. Thank you Graciela - it means a lot to me to know you enjoy my 'art' :)

  2. Step by step to a lovely piece of art. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for taking time to view and comment - my pleasure :)

  3. Beautiful, Lila; and a fun post to read.

    1. Thank you Linda - I'm glad I didn't bore you :)

  4. thanks for the step-by-step, and your thinking along the way
    a lovely vintage feeling piece

    1. thank you kindly - it is lovely to get feedback - it didn't occur to me that it might be vintage like :)

  5. Love, love love! Thanks for sharing the process!

    1. Thank you LeeAnn it did take me a little while to put the post together and am happy with it. I wanted to do that little extra - and that was my challenge :)

  6. Very nice. Isn't it amazing what can develop out of a blank page. Something as simple as tipple really changed and brought this to life. Love the color.

    1. Thank you Donald! yes, it is amazing - I still get excited with the end results, even if I have been tangling for just on 11 months now - It feels like the first time - every time :)

  7. Great description of your process to a finished ZIA. Your statement - "I say to myself, no, that won't work, how silly! and then I think, so what if it's not perfect" - is exactly how I often feel when drawing a ZIA. I seldom look at what others have entered, feeling that whatever I enter is entirely my creation, no matter how it turns out, and despite my mind chatter that it's not good enough. (This week is an exception as I took my inspiration from Laura's nude ZIA.) Your entry this week is just lovely. Starting with a string of words turned out to be a great idea. You do beautiful art! Thanks for sharing your process.

    1. Hi Ronnie, thank you for your comments - always appreciate them. I know exactly the feeling - I like to enter my challenge and then view the other entries, sometimes I'm on a roll and do several pieces and then when I go back to the linkey there's over 20 entries and it does take me a very long time to make comment on all of them and then it becomes so overwhelming, I do try to make as many comments as I can - so I really do appreciate receiving comments. I enjoyed posting the process and wanted to add something to my challenge as I hardly ever use strings anyway, except for when I'm doing the 3.5 X 3.5 Tangle Pattern Strings. Cheers! :)

  8. I loved your tile, I´m sorry because I can´t write my real feelings as I would like, I´m from Brazil, and I need to improve my english, but Ispent a lot of time admiring your art. Thanks for share.

    1. Hi Graciela, that is quite alright, I understand. Thank you kindly for stopping by and making another comment - that is very sweet of you :)

  9. This is so beautiful and I love reading about your process. It helps to encourage others who go through those - maybe, maybe not steps. Great and thanks for sharing.

  10. Such a beautiful tile. Thank you for taking the time and walking us through your process, I enjoyed it.

  11. The process of your pictures while they grow are fantastic... The end result is brilliant.

  12. The end results were super, and it was fun seeing how someone else thinks a tile through. Thanks for taking the time to do so.


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