
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weekly Challenge #231: "The Undulating Tangles in C and S minor" - Guest Blogger Sharla Hicks.

I'm not too sure if I've captured the essence of this week's challenge.  All I could visualise is undulating hills and from that came the water.

I've been wanting to use 'Swell' by Sandy Bartholomew for a while now, and I think it fits in perfectly.  Of course with the water the sun came along and for it I used 'Thumbprintz' by Traci Frogley (a fave of mine - just love this pattern).

Colours just had to be added, it wouldn't be the same.  I used what little I have at hand as most of my coloured pens, pencils are.... well.... who knows, in boxes under my son's house I would say.  :)

I almost wasn't going to bother participating as I thought this challenge, too much of a challenge.

I'm so glad I did as I really love this tile, especially with the bright colours - it did cheer me up - thank you Sharla.

Have a lovely week everyone.

Smiles :)

 before colour


 colour and shading

here's something I've been working on during the week

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Weekly Challenge #228: GUEST BLOGGER Cari Sultanik, CZT

All things natural and organic is this week's theme by guest blogger Cari Sultanik CZT.

I'm not sure this tile fits with the theme exactly, but that's how it flowed lol :)

I added colour as I felt it needed it.

Ok, so what tangles did I use - I see Bunzo (a fave) some spirally thing, some scrolls, tipple, Gr_ate and I had another go at Narwal.

The colours are an inexpensive brand of watercolour pencils I bought for my granddaughter to play when she visits.  (I used them dry here)

I really like Prismacolours, but they are packed away somewhere and this is all I managed to find.

What else have I been up to?  I drew some step outs to a few new patterns, did lots of drawing and here is one I would like to show you.

I was given some pieces of true vellum.  I didn't want to ruin the larger pieces so I did a small tangle on an offcut.

It's pleasant to draw on, nice and smooth, however I did find the micron pen slipped a little due to the natural oils.

I would like to do something with the larger pieces and perhaps do some gilding and add gesso for colour - we shall see, I'll have to think some more on that idea :)